Shaving can SUCK. It's painful, and gives you red, dry skin and shaving rashes. Not to mention that tight, itchy feeling on your face all day. It's enough to put you off altogether.
But shaving doesn't have to be a painful chore. You can easily make it an enjoyable routine – something to look forward to!
It all comes down to your shaving routine. Today, we'll show you 7 tips to get the perfect shave in just a few minutes every morning.
In this article, we'll answer these questions:

How To Get The Perfect Shave Tip #1 – Is It OK To Enjoy Shaving?
Shaving is one of the few grooming luxuries a man can afford in the comfort of his home. And it can be an enjoyable experience if you make the right moves to prepare your skin, apply the right products and use the proper techniques with a quality blade.
For every shaving annoyance, there is a solution available. So, really – there are NO excuses.
Start with a shift in perspective – shaving can be fun!
Perfect Shave Tip #2 – When Is The Right Time To Shave?
Shaving With Straight Razor
For a man with a dark and heavy beard, a morning shave delays the appearance of the dreaded 5 o'clock shadow.
If this is you, accept the step-by-step approach to shaving as your wake-up call and embrace an early morning shower.
For the man who is perpetually racing against the clock, an evening shave reduces the nicks and irritation caused by a rushed morning shave.
At night, you are far more relaxed, making your whiskers more suitably prepped for a shave. Leave any touch-ups or spots you may have missed for the morning rush hour in your bathroom.
Our bodies also heal while we sleep, and for this reason, it is best to shave at night to allow newly shaved skin the opportunity to "heal itself" before the morning grind.
Either way, don't rush the process. Instead, take the time to prepare your skin for the razor.
What's the best time to shave?
When you have sufficient time to follow all the steps, that leads to a close and comfortable shave.
Perfect Shave Tip #3 How Do You Prepare Your Skin Before Shaving?
Take A Hot Shower.
Not only do you waste less time, but you also reap the benefits of steam – it opens the pores and softens the hairs enough for the blade.
It also drastically lessens your chances of nicks and bumps.

This is why barbers will often apply a hot towel for a few minutes before the shave itself.
Hot showers help open the pores on your face and get it ready for shaving.
After showering, make sure you wash your face with warm water. Then, use a quality natural men's face wash to gently remove dirt, oil, and other pollutants from your skin in preparation for the next stage.
Avoid any face cleansers containing alcohol – they can dry out and irritate your skin.
Apply a Men's Natural Pre-Shave Oil
A natural men's pre-shave oil makes the shaving process a lot smoother!
A good pre-shave oil hydrates your skin and gently lifts your facial hair, allowing for a smoother shave.
It provides a thin, invisible film over your skin, allowing your razor to glide smoothly.
And less friction is a good thing because it means less irritation. Pre-shave oil is your secret weapon against razor burns and uncomfortable (and unsightly) rashes.
Look for pre-shave oils that include Coconut Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil and Patchouli Oil.
These ingredients will moisturize and lubricate your skin.
Now you're ready to rock.
Perfect Shave Tip #4 What's The Best Way To Get A Good Lather?
What To Look For (And What To Avoid)
According to research, the chemicals you want to avoid in shaving creams are called parabens, which link to asthma.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a cleaning chemical that strips your skin of the essential oils needed to shield it from the blade.
The fragrance is a vague term used to describe any number of harmful toxins.
Avoid these at any cost.
What should you look for?
Which shave cream you go for is down to personal preference, but I prefer shaving gels because they're clear – meaning I can see where I'm shaving.
A good natural shaving gel will have ingredients like White Tea Leaf Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Allantoin, and Vitamin E, which help protect and soothe your skin while you shave.
Choose The Right Shaving Brush
The right brush is essential. Again, you have a wealth of choices here without sacrificing quality. The main factor to consider is stiffness.
Boar and horsehair brushes are stiffer and retain less water than badger fur. As a result, it can make lathering more of a chore, but it will also make for a more durable brush.
Generally speaking, rougher bristles draw the best lather from hard soaps, while the cream is better suited for softer brushes.
We're getting down to business.
Apply a dime-sized drop of the cream or gel to the inlay of the shaving bowl and swirl away. Keep going until you get a creamy yoghurt consistency.
Once it's ready, apply it generously to your face and neck. This is the most relaxing part of the process, and there is no time limit, so massage away. Make sure you thoroughly coat your face. In two minutes or so, you will soften the hair enough to break out the blade.
Note that shaving gels don't lather like cream – so apply generously to the areas you want to shave and leave a visible layer on your skin.
Perfect Shave Tip #5 Do More Blades Equal Better Shaves?
6 blades razors? You're more likely to shave portions of your skin along with your beard.
Don't fall for gimmicks. When it comes to razors, there's no need to use multi-blade razors
A single blade will work fine. Here are some more facts about razors and shaving.
3 Blades: If you are rushed for time and want the quickest shave with the least amount of fuss, a razor with 3 blades can give you just that. Be prepared for the higher cost of replacement blades.
Straight Razor: A straight razor offers a fantastic shave. It takes time and patience to master the art of using one without cutting your throat. A quality straight razor will last you a lifetime without the hassle of changing blades.
Safety razors: These are cheaper over the long run due to the low cost of replacement blades. The single blade provides a clean cut of the hair, saving the hassle of having unnecessary multiple blades on the razor.
A dull razor is the most common cause of irritation. It's not the number of blades but the sharpness that counts. Keep your razor sharp, and the hairs will yield readily with no irritation to your skin.
Perfect Shave Tip #6 What Is The Proper Shaving Technique?
The Basics
Are you going with a straight or safety razor? You'll have to watch the angle you're using. Shaving with the blade at a 30-degree angle is highly recommended as it deals maximum effect with minimal risk. Again, there is no hurry – make as many passes as you need to, but avoid shaving bare skin. Reapply the lather as required.
With, Or Against The Grain?
There are countless shaving resources out there that over-explain shaving for men. Here is the best one!
It's perfectly normal to cut yourself – especially if it's your first time with the blade. An alum pen (aluminium sulfate) will mitigate the bleeding. It's a natural mineral with more than 4,000 years of heritage dating back to the Egyptians, who also used it for shaving. It helps to tighten the pores and stop minor cuts in their tracks.
Perfect Shave Tip #7 What Is The Best Post-Shave Skincare?
Shaving is hard on the skin. Not only are you removing hair, but you're also peeling off skin with each stroke of the razor.
It's exfoliation on steroids.
This process is perfectly healthy and natural, but it leaves the skin vulnerable.
Always use a natural aftershave balm after shaving, then protect your skin with a natural moisturizer for men.
Even experienced men get knicks. If left untreated, they can get infected. Skin irritation after shaving is also extremely common, resulting in flaky skin. Do not underestimate the importance of a post-shave routine!
The Steps Of A Post-Shave Routine
The first thing you need to do is rinse your face with cold water.
It sounds unpleasant, but cold water helps close the pores and capillaries, which is perfect if you cut yourself and need to stem the blood flow.
Cold water is also better at retaining moisture in the skin.
Next, pat your skin dry. Be sure to use the softest towel you have because anything rough will aggravate the irritation.
Now apply a natural after-shave balm. Avoid anything containing alcohol – which can dry your skin – and go for a product made from natural ingredients like Witch Hazel – which cures inflammation through gallic acids and antioxidants and reduces skin irritation by up to 27%.
Finally – use a natural face moisturizer for men to give your face another layer of protection and complete the shaving process.
There you go, gentlemen – the perfect shaving routine for men.
You'd be surprised how therapeutic a thorough shave is, and you won't regret it. Just remember, preparation is vital.
Always use men's shaving products made from natural ingredients and take your time.
Your shaving routine should be an enjoyable ritual, not a painful chore!